Relationships for Growth & Learning

Relationships for Growth & Learning (RfGL) is a peer play, group psychotherapy model of intervention for children ages 2-6 who are struggling to learn, play and grow in their (pre)school classrooms. With prevention as our primary focus, RfGL aims to reroute the trajectory of significantly at-risk and diagnosable youngsters heading for academic or social challenges, as well as support their teachers and caregivers.

Over 45 years of scientifically documented success.

Over 90% of parents of identified children accept in-school services

RfGL weaves a safety net of individualized, developmental, relationship-and strength-based services that support diagnosable, at-risk children, their families and their teachers, so that all children are ready to flourish in school.

RfGL services are guided by an RfGL-trained therapist to motivate learning and development among and within each group’s members. Because relationships are central to social-emotional development and health, RfGL cultivates the self-regulated foundation needed to nurture a vibrant, strong, knowledgeable, relationship-based, self-compassionate support system for children, their parents and caregivers, as well as for the teachers and staff at all levels who work so hard to serve them.

After one to two school years in RfGL, both parent and teacher reports and psychological assessment instruments agreed that the treated children made significant progress across social, emotional, communication, self-regulation and play domains. All children improve, and many catch up to their peers, so they enter kindergarten ready to be engaged learners and to socialize warmly with teachers and peers.